Thursday, December 21, 2006

Third Annual Christmas Tea

3rd Annual Christmas Tea

Thursday, December 21, 2006
1:00 - 4:00 PM

You've chosen to dress up as your favorite book/movie character
~ and Club Members will guess who's who.

Gift Exchange:
You've drawn names for your Secret Sister
~ remember the spending limit is $10.00
Homemade Breads & Scones
Cranberries & Nuts
Tea Sandwiches
(cucumber / chicken salad / tuna)
Fresh Fruit & Whipped Cream
Cake & Pie
Herbal Teas
The gift for your Secret Sister

Monday, September 25, 2006

The Basket of Flowers by Christoph Von Schmid

If you want to find just the right book that makes girls want to walk in the fruit of the Spirit, this is definitely the one. It is about a girl named Mary, who is quiet and gentle, and is befriended by the countess Amelia. Their friendship grows, and for Amelia's Birthday, Mary presents her with a beautiful basket of flowers. However, when Amelia decides to make Mary a present in return, her maid becomes jealous. Find out Mary's long-suffering, and hardships caused by Juliet in this favorite book of mine.

Written & Submitted by: Sierra

Friday, September 1, 2006

C.G.C. Members for 2006-2007

Welcome back!
Lauren, Ashley, Sierra, Tiffani-Joi, Chelsea, Cassie, Hannah M., Hannah R., and Stefanie.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

book response coming soon...
* * * * *

Book & Writing Club Lunch & Swim Party
Please bring:
swim suit
a main dish or veggie tray to share
All the fixings for an Ice Cream Sundae Bar will be here!

Monday, January 30, 2006

Friendship Day

As members continue to read Swiss Family Robinson for the February meeting, today they decided to share their writing, play games, and simply spend time together.